From my earliest memories, the intricate marvel of the human body has captivated my attention, shaping the trajectory of my career in ways I could have never foreseen. Embarking on a journey through various vocations, I have been blessed to witness the synergy between my passions and the opportunities that have unfolded before me.
For a span of over five years, I wholeheartedly immersed myself in the realm of fitness, cultivating a deeper understanding of the body's mechanics and its remarkable potential. This phase was followed by the desire to acquire more knowledge, by which I completed Diplomas in Nutrition, Nursing, and Massage.
Immediately upon attaining my Nursing Diploma, an unexpected yet illuminating path revealed itself where I was presented the opportunity to work at the leading Liposuction Cosmetic Clinic in Australia. Over the course of two years, I diligently upheld the demand for meticulous attention to detail that this position required. Care and precision were further ingrained in me during this time which then seamlessly transitioned to the creation of "Lá Vem Ela," my present endeavour.
Little did I realise at the given time, these outwardly dissimilar accomplishments, would harmoniously merge to enhance the quality of service I provide to my clients. I am humbled by the path that has led me here today, as I reflect with deep gratitude upon my experiences, vocations, education, and fascination of the human body.
I would be honoured to continue using my warmth, nurturance, and expertise in aiding others along their paths to healing and well-being.
Thank you